1. Lessee shall comply with all internal and foreign laws, official rules, rules of the road, and he has full responsibility for them.
2. Lessee shall use, treat and protect the car and its accessories with adequate care according to the instructions for use. He has full financial responsibility for all arisen damages in case of non-complying of them. Lessee shall carefully handle the given documents, protect against damage. Lessee shall protect the car in his possession and use with all the available means against stealing, thus it should be closed in case of out of use, no valuable objects should be kept in it at visible places, if possible the car should be parked at guarded or closed place, and, at any case, leaving it alone a high caution shall be given.
3. It is prohibited
- to let out, to give in use the car for third person, to let to drive the car by persons not listed in the Lease Contract,
- to operate the car careless or inexpertly, or to overload it,
- to use non-adequate fuel in it,
- to operate it with motor oil of insufficient amount,
- to use it for transport of strange persons or goods,
- to use it for transport of domestic animals,
- to use it for car rally, or for preparation for it,
- to use it for pulling other vehicles,
- to use it in case of frozen in coolant or flowed away lubricating oils,
- to drive under the effect or after consumption of alcohol, medicine or narcotics.
Lessee shall refund the total arisen amount of the damage:
- if the car is careless or inexpertly operated or overloaded,
- if he uses non-adequate fuel in the car, or operate it with motor oil of insufficient amount,
- for every loss, damage, abrasion over the usual degree, arisen during the leasing, if it is not an insurance case,
- for every loss of parts, accessories, furnishings and other objects,
- for careless guarding, parking, storing, letting alone,
- for damages out of stealing, partly stealing the car, if any of the keys, vehicle licence, or the authority evidence papers for property or using right of the car were left in it,
- for every action, behaviour of Lessee or his representative, which excludes or limits the compensation of the insurance.
Lessee is obliged to pay the self-contribution of the insurance shown on the other side, if damage has risen out of his fault and the insurance company refunds it. The compensation responsibility of the Lessee is independently from the height for the total amount of the damage, if the roof, the tyre, the bottom-plate and the parts below it, the outside mirrors, the antenna and the inside part of the car are damaged. Lessee is obliged to pay the self-contribution – as a part of the divided risk among the Partners - also in that case, if the car was stolen from him, and the Lessee proceeded according the point 2. The action, enforcement of claims, litigation against the insurance company or the thief of the car is the obligation and cost of the Lessee.
4. Lessor takes no responsibility for the values and other objects (money, valuables etc.) left in the car. Neither takes he responsibility for the direct or indirect damages of Lessee, arising at the breakdown of the car.
Customers arriving with hard luggage will be asked to unload them into the storage spaces of the motorhome and leave them empty at the rental station until the end of the rental. For your convenience, the rental station will provide large canvas bags.
5. The Lease Contract comes into existence according to the tariff given in the Calculation Sheet. The other material expenditures above the tariffs according to the scale of charges (e.g. parking, ferry, toll etc.) load the Lessee. Lessee is obliged at the signing the Contract to pay a caution defined in the Calculation Sheet, which gives a security to Lessor against possible damages caused by Lessee. Amount of deposit is 1200 EUR, but renting fee and deposit must reach 1700 EUR! So in case of short renting, we ask higher deposit! The caution will be paid back at the end of leasing, deducted the amount of damages possibly caused by Lessee. Lessor is not obliged to pay back the caution until a pending matter exists related to the compensation. Lessor is not obliged to pay interests after the caution. The amount above the payment in advance should be paid not later than two weeks before the journey. In case of waiving the journey Lessee gets back 50% of his payments until now.
6. The tariff includes the
- charges for the liability insurance,
- costs for repair (except the punctures), maintenances and the refuelling of lubricants.
All other expenses arising during the leasing load Lessee.
7. Lessee shall give back the car before the final date - in the absence of an other agreement - in the usual business hours, at the giving down place (see point 11) - taking into consideration the normal using up - in the same conditions as at the receipt. If Lessee used the car in a non-proper way, or it is in very polluted condition, the damages and the costs arising out of this shall be refunded by Lessee. If Lessee gives back the car to Lessor after the final date, then Lessor shall pay for every late begun 12 hours a charge of one day. If Lessor can’t give over the car for any reason at the beginning time, then he shall pay Lessee for the delay compensation equal to the charge for the delayed time and smart-money of 200 EUR. If the delay exceeds two days, then Lessor can waive from the Lease Contract, he gets back the full paid charge and he has right for a further amount of 2 days charge and 400 EUR smart-money. If Lessor has a delay, Lessee has against Lessor no right for compensation or other claim over the ones written above. In case of external circumstances that can’t be brought up against Lessor (especially in case of stealing, accident or delayed giving back by the lessee before of the agreed car), Lessor has the right to give over Lessee a car of the same category and the same technical conditions instead of the original one. If the Lessee does not accept the spare car, can cancel the travel, in this case the content of the point 5 of the Contract is valid. If the Lessee gives back the car to the Lessor before the time defined in the Contract, the Lessor has against the Lessee for the time between the giving back and the final time defined in the Contract no repaying obligations.
No refund will be made if the length of hire is shortened or for unused days. There is no refund for late pick up or early return of vehicle.
8. If Lessee wants to use the car after the final date then he shall announce it Lessor latest 24 hours before. Lessor is not obliged to prolong the Contract. At the break of the Contract by Lessee, Lessor has the right to cancel it with immediate effect and to take back the car from Lessee. Partners fix down, that if Lessee doesn’t give back the car used by him 48 hours after the expiration of the Lease Contract, or doesn’t prolong it, or doesn’t give an excuse for being late, so Lessor can suppose, that Lessee has illegal misappropriated the car, thus Lessor has the right to inform the police against Lessee or to warrant for the car. Lessor can take the same measures if other circumstances establish the above supposes.
9. In the absence of another agreement the place of give over or back the cars is: Budapest, XVIII. Jegenye fasor 15/A, Lessors office.
10. At the km-value given in the column “Obligatory service-km” of the Handling over Protocol Lessee shall get one of the brand services according to the type of the car to hold a technical review. The bill containing also the reading of the km-counter and the VAT should be given down at the office of the Lessor; Lessor refunds the justified costs of the technical review. If the review will be done later or omitted, Lessee shall pay after 100 km but not higher than 500 km exceed 400 EUR to Lessor, and at every further begun 100 km further 40 EUR. At every 2000 km Lessee is obliged to control the level of the motor oil, if necessary to fill it up.
11. In case of technical a breakdown Lessee can go to the next brand service, where he can get the car repaired without the permission of Lessor and at his expense up to an amount of 400 EUR. At an irreparable breakdown, accident or a repair with high amount of money Lessee is obliged to contact Lessor immediately, at the phone number: +36 20 343-1561. The expenses, plus expenses, loss of guarantee out of the omit of it, or an arbitrary servicing, or the not in brand service done repairs charge the Lessee.
12. In case of a technical breakdown Lessor gives a spare car if the car can not repaired in 2 workdays after the arriving at the service and the establishing of the defect. But if the car had the breakdown because of the responsibility of Lessee the service the costs of the transport of the spare car and the send home of the original (the broken down) car and repairing load the Lessee
13. In case of a repair according to the point below, Lessee shall ask for the changed part, preserve it and at the latest give it to Lessor at the giving down of the car. Failing this Lessee will be charged with the costs of repair.
14. In case of an accident with personal injury or material damage Lessee shall ask for the measures of the police, or in case of break open, damage, stealing the car, he shall inform the police and shall give down the documents about it (protocol, credentials etc.) in the office of Lessor. In the case of an accident Lessee shall proceed carefully, do his best for clearing the matter, collect all the possible data of the participants in the accident (e.g. registration number of the other vehicle, name, address of the owner, block-plan, possibly photo). Lessee has no right to enter into an agreement; he must not declare anything against the interests of Lessor, except of during the local inspection by the police possibly the admission of his own personally responsibility
15. Every road event in connection with the car – especially that can hinder or impede the later rent – (bump, glass break, disappearance of the car etc.) shall be announced latest in 3 hours to the Lessor. In the case of an accident or breakdown Lessee is obliged on the base of a previous reconciliation - at the expense of Lessor - to put and guard the car on a secure place.
16. Lessee shall pay to Lessor for any payment delay an interest of annual 15%.
17. Lessor and Lessee agree, that Lessee shall pay the tax for company car - if there is any - according to the effective tax rules.
18. In issues, which are not regulated in the Contract the Civil Code is authoritative. In case of legal dispute Partners agree the exclusive authority of the local Court.
19. After reading and understanding Partners signed the Contract according to their free will and took over one copy each.
20. The Lessee has been informed about the extreme cold and snowy weather conditions presently prevailing in Europe. Understanding the risks arising from this on European roads the Lessee declare that he rent the motorhome at his own risk, and is liable for all damages and losses due to any accident to the motorhome even if it is caused directly or indirectly by the weather conditions.