RV Rental RV Rental Conditions - 1639

Price Include

  • Full comprehensive insurance with excess of: 2000 £ per incident
  • Kitchenware kit:
  • Free parking for your private car:
  • First container of chemical liquid:
  • Unlimited Milage:

Extra options

  • Child Seat
  • Camping table
  • Welcome pack: WC additive, 4 pack toilet roll, Washing up liquid, Sponge, Tea towel, Bin bags, 1.5 litre bottle of water
  • Cleaning - Inside
  • Cleaning - Outside
  • M50 Toll fee - compulsory for pick-ups in Dublin
  • Child Booster seat
  • Camping chair
  • B.B.Q set / Gril
  • Tent
  • Camping Key Europe card - provides third-party insurance when parking in RV campgrounds and discounts for RV campgrounds (in some the discounts valid also during peak season)
  • Gas Bottle
  • Out of hours pick up/drop off
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Bed Set for double bed
  • Snow chain
  • GPS Navigation device
  • Pets
  • Additional Driver Fee
  • Tyre and Windscreen cover
  • Generator
  • Unlimited usage of Rv Plan system - RV trip planning - including the option to book campgrounds
  • European Insurance
  • Bedding Set - per person
  • Towelset - per person

Payment Conditions

Down payments of 500, the rest 30 days before pickup.

Cancelation Fee

  • up to 45 days prior to rental date:
       55 % of rental price, at least 550 £ GBP will not be refunded
  • 14 days to 44 days prior to rental date:
       80 % of rental price, at least 650 £ GBP will not be refunded
  • 14 days to 44 days prior to rental date:
       80 % of rental price, at least 650 £ GBP will not be refunded
  • 1 days to 13 days prior to rental date:
       100 % of rental price, at least 800 £ GBP will not be refunded
  • 1 days to 13 days prior to rental date:
       100 % of rental price, at least 800 £ GBP will not be refunded

Terms & Conditions

All Vehicles and associated equipment (the Vehicle) are hired by ‘Causeway Campers Ltd subject solely to these Conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing by a director of ours. We contract for ourself and as an agent of and trustee for our employees and every reference made hereinafter to “Us’ shall be deemed to include every such employee with the intention that they shall have the benefit of these Conditions.

You shall:
Use the Vehicle only in Great Britain and Ireland unless authorised otherwise by us in writing.
Not load or permit the Vehicle to be loaded in excess of its carrying capacity or weight limit.
Ensure that the Vehicle is not used to carry a number of persons in excess of the seating capacity of the Vehicle.
Not use the Vehicle to carry or store products that may damage the Vehicle in any way.
Ensure that the Vehicle is always locked when unattended, and shall take all reasonable steps to prevent loss of or damage to the Vehicle, or its tyres, tools, accessories, equipment or contents.
Inform us immediately if the Vehicle develops any fault or requires any servicing, and permit us to carry out any essential repairs or servicing.
Neither alter the specification of the Vehicle nor alter or deface its paintwork or markings.
Ensure that the Vehicle is maintained in a clean and roadworthy condition. Check that the correct tyre pressures, engine oil level, battery fluid level, screen wash levels, coolant levers and automatic transmission oil revel (where fitted) are maintained throughout the period of the rental.
Notify us promptly of all defects in the Vehicle and, in the event of any defect that shall affect the roadworthiness of the Vehicle then such notice to be given immediately.
Notify us immediately of every incident involving loss or damage to the Vehicle and when required to do so by us, complete an Accident Report Form giving the names and addresses of witnesses wherever possible.
Safeguard our interests in the event of any accident involving the Vehicle by obtaining the names and addresses of all relevant drivers and witnesses, securing the Vehicle and where appropriate notifying the police.
Make the Vehicle available at both a reasonable and convenient time and place to us so that repairs or replacements can be properly effected by us to maintain the Vehicle in serviceable and roadworthy condition or at any reasonable lime that we shell require the Vehicle.
Pay us all reasonable charges in respect of alterations or additions to the Vehicle made at the request of you or to satisfy statutory requirements after the commencement of the hire.
Not sell, charge, lend or re-hire the Vehicle.
Reimburse to us within 14 days the cost of any taxes, tines, custom duties or charges levied on us as a result of your use of the Vehicle.
At the commencement of the hire check to ensure that the Vehicle is fit for its purpose and in good condition. In the absence of any detect being confirmed to us by you in writing prior to the hire commencing, you are deemed to accept that the Vehicle, is fit for its purpose and in good condition.
At the end of the hire period return the Vehicle to our depot, in the condition prevailing at the commencement of the hire (fair wear and tear expected), clean and tidy (traffic grime expected). If the Vehicle is not returned to our depot, you shall pay the amount expended by us in arranging its return.
Pay our current tariff for rental and fuel, shall pay for any accessories, tyres, tools or equipment, lost, stolen or damaged: pay us the cost of recovering the Vehicle in the event that you fail to return it to us, Pay any penalties, fines and court costs incurred in the use of the Vehicle before it is returned to us and which we are obliged to pay (save when caused by the fault of us); and shall pay VAT where appropriate at the current rate.
Not use the Vehicle for any unlawful purpose or for racing, pacemaking, competitions or speed testing, or in any unlawful manner.

We shall:
a. Use our best endeavours at terms to be agreed to supply you with a replacement for any Vehicle temporarily out of use for the purpose of repair or any other cause.
b. Effect such repairs end replace such parts as shall be required to maintain the Vehicle in serviceable and roadworthy, condition and to carry out routine servicing and maintenance.

1. The rental period under this agreement shall be from the Date Out shown overleaf until the Date due back (as recorded overleaf or in any agreed attachment hereto) unless:
a. You for any reason terminate this agreement before the Date due back, or
b. We will terminate this agreement before the Date due back by reason of any breach by you of any term hereof or
c. We will for any other reason call for the return of the Vehicle before the Date due back.
2. In any of which events you shall forthwith return the Vehicle, provided that you are not be liable for charges in relation to any period after the Vehicle has been returned pursuant to this agreement.
3. You agree that on breach of this contract end/or termination of the agreed period of hire the Vehicle will be surrendered to us: that until the Vehicle is surrendered normal rental charges will accrue to you as will all costs incurred by us for the recovery of the Vehicle.
4. The total rental period shall not in any event exceed 90 days.

1. It you have indicated overleaf that you wish us (namely the company specified as such overleaf) to provide insurance then the following provisions apply:
a. The agreement is subject and is deemed to include the terms, conditions and limitations of our insurance policy, a copy of which may be inspected at our office.
b. Any Vehicle hired under this agreement may only be driven by you or by the person signing the agreement on your behalf or by any additional authorized drivers who have had a completed insurance proposal form accepted by us.
c. You agree to pay the insurance charges on our current tariff and leave a excess deposit of £1,500 per Campervan/Motorhome £2,000 per A-Class on pick up of the vehicle.
d. We will return your deposit within 30 days of the vehicle being return to us.
e. You will compensate us for any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) which it may suffer as a result of any act or omission on the part of you or your servant or agent.
2. We will insure the Vehicle under a Comprehensive motor policy. You shall be responsible for:
a. The Vehicle accidental damage excess shown in the Rental Agreement Form unless agreeing to pay the premium required to delete such en excess.
b. All loss or damage to the Vehicle and liabilities arising from its hire if:
(i) At the time of an accident the Vehicle is being driven by other than a person licensed to drive such a Vehicle;
(ii) You are in breach of any of the terms, and conditions of the policy;
(iii) Even though it may be covered by our insurance, you shall be liable to pay the cost of repair of any damage which the Vehicle may suffer as the result of willful action of you or any servant agent of you.
3. You shall be entitled to arrange your own Comprehensive motor policy on the Vehicle, Such policy shall:
a. Note the interest of us as the owner of the Vehicle.
b. Extend to provide us an indemnity against liability as defined in the policy arising from the use of the Vehicle.
c. Note that alt claim monies due in respect of loss of or damage to the Vehicle is to be paid to us, Copies of the policy shall be forwarded to us on request.
4. You shall indemnify us from and against all claims, demands, costs, expenses and liabilities arising from or out of any loss, destruction, damage or injury which results from the possession or use by you of the Vehicle end in respect of which indemnify is not provided by the policies of insurance referred above.
5. We shall not be responsible for goods carried in or on the Vehicle and you agree to indemnify us against all claims arising from loss or destruction of or damage to such goods.

1. a. No Credit Facilities - You shall pay us a sum equal to the estimated hiring charges in advance.
b. To secure the booking we will require a payment of £500 or 50% of booking value, whichever is greater.
c. You shall pay us the full sum due 42 days ahead of the rental.
2. We shall be entitled to charge interest at 3% above the base rate of the Bank of England, calculated on a daily basis, on all amounts not paid in accordance with the agreed payment terms.
3. If you make default in the punctual payment of the hire charges or shall fail to observe and perform the terms of hire or shall enter into liquidation we shall be entitled to repossess the Vehicle without prejudice to any claim we may have against you including damages for breech of contract.

You shall be liable as the owner of the Vehicle in respect of:
1. Any fixed penalty offence committed in respect of that Vehicle under Part Ill of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 or the Road Traffic Act 1991, as amended, replaced or extended by any subsequent legislation or orders and any such offence committed under the equivalent legislation applicable to Scotland, Northern Ireland or any British Isle upon which the Vehicle is being used.
2. Any excess charge which may be incurred in respect of pursuance of an order under section 45 and 46 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or the Road Traffic Act 1984, as amended, replaced or extended by any subsequent legislation or orders and under the equivalent legislation applicable to Scotland, Northern Ireland or other British Isle.
3. Any financial penalty or charge which maybe demanded by any person corporation or authority as a result of the Vehicle being parked or left upon land which is not public land.

We shall not under any circumstances be liable for any direct or indirect consequential loss arising from the hiring out of the Vehicle howsoever, whensoever or wheresoever caused and whether or not resulting from negligent act or omission by us.

If the Vehicle is stolen, lost, seized or confiscated or is returned to us at the end of the hire in a damaged condition (fair wear end tear accepted) and you have elected to arrange your own Comprehensive motor policy on the Vehicle then we reserve the right to charge you for an amount of compensation for loss of use.

We shall be relieved of liability to provide the Vehicle wherever and for so long as end to the extent to which the beneficial use of the Vehicle is prevented as a consequence of fire, explosion, flood, strike action or by any cause beyond our control.

1. The laws of the country where this is signed by you apply to this agreement. Any court proceedings shall be conducted in the same country.
2. You acknowledge:
a. That this agreement is not assignable by you.
b. That this document (together with any agreed attachment hereto) contains the entire understanding between the parties and that no addition to or alteration of the terms shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorised officer of ours.
c. That you are not entering into this agreement on the basis of any warranty or representation by us.
d. That failure by us to enforce any term of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of its rights hereunder.


1. It you have indicated overleaf that you wish us (namely the company specified as such overleaf) to provide insurance then the following provisions apply:
a. The agreement is subject and is deemed to include the terms, conditions and limitations of our insurance policy, a copy of which may be inspected at our office.
b. Any Vehicle hired under this agreement may only be driven by you or by the person signing the agreement on your behalf or by any additional authorized drivers who have had a completed insurance proposal form accepted by us.
c. You agree to pay the insurance charges on our current tariff and leave a excess deposit of £2,000 on pick up of the vehicle.
d. We will return your deposit within 30 days of the vehicle being return to us.
e. You will compensate us for any loss (whether direct, indirect or consequential) which it may suffer as a result of any act or omission on the part of you or your servant or agent.
2. We will insure the Vehicle under a Comprehensive motor policy. You shall be responsible for:
a. The Vehicle accidental damage excess shown in the Rental Agreement Form unless agreeing to pay the premium required to delete such en excess.
b. All loss or damage to the Vehicle and liabilities arising from its hire if:
(i) At the time of an accident the Vehicle is being driven by other than a person licensed to drive such a Vehicle;
(ii) You are in breach of any of the terms, and conditions of the policy;
(iii) Even though it may be covered by our insurance, you shall be liable to pay the cost of repair of any damage which the Vehicle may suffer as the result of willful action of you or any servant agent of you.
3. You shall be entitled to arrange your own Comprehensive motor policy on the Vehicle, Such policy shall:
a. Note the interest of us as the owner of the Vehicle.
b. Extend to provide us an indemnity against liability as defined in the policy arising from the use of the Vehicle.
c. Note that alt claim monies due in respect of loss of or damage to the Vehicle is to be paid to us, Copies of the policy shall be forwarded to us on request.
4. You shall indemnify us from and against all claims, demands, costs, expenses and liabilities arising from or out of any loss, destruction, damage or injury which results from the possession or use by you of the Vehicle end in respect of which indemnify is not provided by the policies of insurance referred above.
5. We shall not be responsible for goods carried in or on the Vehicle and you agree to indemnify us against all claims arising from loss or destruction of or damage to such goods.

Glass, wing mirror and Tyre Excess protection
£15 per day - Reduce your excess to ZERO on glass including windscreen, your wing mirrors and tyres.


The motorhomes are equipped with kitchen utensils and toilet chemical.

Bedding (for rent):
Single duvet, 1 pillow and bed sheet

Welcome pack (for rent):
Green and Organic Toliet additive - 2 Litres, 4 pack toilet roll (Super biodegradable), Washing up liquid, Sponge, Tea towel, Bin bags, 1.5 litre bottle of water

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