RV Rental RV Rental Conditions - 242

Price Include

  • Full comprehensive insurance with excess of: 700 € per incident
  • V.A.T (%): 21
  • Outside Cleaning on return:
  • Campground directory:
  • Extra driver fee:
  • Tourist information :
  • Road asistance 24 Hour :
  • Free parking for your private car:
  • First tank of propane:
  • First container of chemical liquid:
  • Unlimited Milage:
  • Traveling abroad - must be confirmed in advance:

Extra options

  • Convenience Kit (Bedding and Kitchen kits)
  • Child Seat
  • Camping table
  • Child Booster seat
  • Camping table & chairs
  • Bicycle
  • Camping Key Europe card - provides third-party insurance when parking in RV campgrounds and discounts for RV campgrounds (in some the discounts valid also during peak season)
  • Bicycle Rack - Not suitable for all models
  • TV
  • GPS Navigation device
  • Auto transmission
  • Unlimited usage of Rv Plan system - RV trip planning - including the option to book campgrounds

Payment Conditions

Down payments of 300, the rest 30 days before pickup.

Cancelation Fee

  • up to 31 days prior to rental date:
       55 % of rental price, at least 300 € EUR will not be refunded
  • 16 days to 30 days prior to rental date:
       85 % of rental price, at least 500 € EUR will not be refunded
  • 16 days to 30 days prior to rental date:
       85 % of rental price, at least 500 € EUR will not be refunded
  • 1 days to 15 days prior to rental date:
       100 % of rental price, at least 500 € EUR will not be refunded
  • 1 days to 15 days prior to rental date:
       100 % of rental price, at least 500 € EUR will not be refunded

Terms & Conditions

General Hiring Conditions
1. The total amount of the hiring contract must be paid before the departure. In the same way, a deposit must be deposited to guarantee the good use and the correct devolution of the vehicle, for a minimum amount of €700, by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express).
2. The customer couldn't ask for any indemnity if, in case or dire necessity or accidental case, the vehicle could not be delivered at the agreed day.

3. If the tenant, by his own decision, begins with delay or finishes anticipately the hiring, will not have right to any refund.
4. The pick up and the drop off of the vehicle will be made at any establishment of the rental center in the national territory, understanding that the place of pick up and the drop off will be the same, in the days and hours stipulated.
5. The customer has checked the vehicle and it's installations before taking it and paying for it and recognized to have received it with entiry satisfaction so that means that any breakdown or equipment malfunction will not give any right to ask for an indemnity, refund or discount.
6. It is forbidden to use the vehicle for any activity that goes against the morality, the law and the good customs. It is explicity forbidden to carry up more number of persons that the ones allowed by the law, take part in races, competitions, transport of goods or objects, being this ones allowed or not by the law, to hand over its use onerously or with profit, as well as to cover or remove any company's symbol in the same way, the tenant received all the documentation required by the law and it's obligated to show it when any authority agent ask for it.
7. The customer will be responsible of any sanction or fine which contravene the valid dispositions. He will be also responsible if the vehicle is retained or seized by his fault and he will have to pay all the costs and losses of profit of the rental center during the time of unavailability of the vehicle. There are one charge of 
€30 for each gestion for trafic penalties. The applied amount will be three times daily charge, according to the model and prices of the vehicle.
8. Any accident, collision or damage that affects the vehicle, being this of any degree of importance, must be comunicated to the rental center within the ten hours following the event, being submit to the resolutons of the insurance company, reaching the responsability to the financial losses that the rental center could have.
9. In case of damage, if the reparation exceeds not more than 
€90 the customer may perform it directly, if the reparation exceeds this amount, the customer must request authorization to the rental center, being this amount refund with the presentation of the official invoice to the name of the rental center.
10. In case of retention or paralyzation of the vehicle caused for any action by the customer, this one will be responsible of the damage and financial losses derivated from this retention.
11. The hired vehicle must be returned with the WC and the waste water deposits rightly emptied. Otherwise the customer accepts to pay a fixed amount of 
The rented vehicle must be returned in good hygienic conditions, with it’s interior cleaned, otherwise the user accepts the payment of the necessary cleaning costs.
12. If the customer wants to extend the hiring for a longer period must notify the rental center within 3 labour days before the expiry date of the contract. The confirmation of this will be subjected to the availability of that, without any obligation by rental center. No authorised delayed delivery not justify for a dire necessity will be penalised with a three times daily charge.
13. The vehicle object of this contract, it's insured as the law requires, with a franchise of 
€700 for each sinister. That means that in case of accident during the hiring period, the customer will respond for this amount, which from now authorizes to respond it with the deposit deposited. The customer is responsible for any case or circunstances which are not mentioned or includes in the insurance policy, which declare to know and accept.
14. The deposit will be after been checked by the technical service, which, in case of any damage due to bad use, will describe in a detailed note, the amount that the customer will pay, authorizing the customer to compensate this amount with the deposit deposited. If it's not possible to determinate and quantify the damage in this moment, the rental center will have 30 days for the refund in its case, of the amount of the remaining deposit, once it's deduced the cost of the damage caused. In the case of that exist an open invoice and consequently the payment of the amount for the use of the vehicle hired, punishments or other concepts, the customer authorizes to compensate this amount with the "charge" on the credit card signed as its effect. It's agreed that the final inspection of the vehicle finish after the cleaning inside and outside.
15. The rental center reserves the right to modified the reserved vehicle the same day of the delivery byother of the same category and/or seats, or other of a superior category.
16. The no show from the customer on the date, place and hour agreed to the begening of the service will have the consideration of unilateral termination of the hiring and the booking with penalty cancellation of the 100% of the hired of all the amount booked, this no show facult to the rental center to dispose of the vehicle and the customer have not any right to any indemnity or compensation.
Following the valid law in matter of Data Protection, the regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Council about the protection of the persons on the treatment of personal data and the free circulation of this details, we inform you personal details obteined from the customer, will be treated under the Responsabyle of the Treatment, the enterprise NODES 25, S.L. with the objetive will be the comercial, account and administrativ works of this information. The legitimation for the treatment of your details is to obtain from you the permission of the treatment and the execution of the contracted srevices signed by the both sides. The details that you get us will be keep during the time of the comercial relation or during the necessary period to comply all legal obligations. We guaranteed you one loyal and trasparate treatment. The details don't give to nobody except on the legal obligation cases.
The details required are necessaries on the way that if you don't get this permission will not possible to get you the required services, you expressly consent the collection and treatment of this details for the related objectives. Please on the case that you make any modification of this details in your personal datas you communicate it to us with the objective to the maintenance of it.
All your personal data received one treatment acording the rule of confidentiallity, transpaency and safety on the legal Laws on the rules for safety and confidenciallity on the thecnology of information matters.
16. All mercantil disapointments or the other cause between you and us on the fulfilment of the present contract, with your resignation to your own agreed expressly the knowledge to the competence and jurisdiction of the Court of San Fernando de Henares and agreed expressly the resignation to Transport Arbitration Boards.
In proof of conformity it's signed the present document in place and date above indicated.

The rental prices are include:
No limited kilometers
Full Comprenhensive Insurance (Except for the first 700 €  charged)
VAT 21%
Leaving costs (gas, WC chemical fluid)
24 Hour road assistance (valid in all Europe)
Maintenance (according to the hiring contract norms)
Free parking for your car during the service

At the moment of the delivery of the vehicle and, when the customer arrives to our settings, we ask him/her for the voucher or the service ticket, the documentation and the driving license (only the original ones, photocopies will not be accepted), we will also ask for the credit card for the deposit.
We will make the contract and explain the important clauses, offering the customer the possibility of reading the whole contract before signing it.
We will explain the customer that in that moment we are chargind to his/her credit card the total amount of the deposit.
We will give him/her the rental contract.
After the above proceedings, they will be invited to leave their luggage and offered a left luggage service free while the service lasts, and we will then explain how the vehicle and its accessories work.
Once this is explained, the following documentation will be provided:

- Authenticated copy of the technical card and road licence.
- Copy of insurance papers (receipts).
- Documents for road assistance which are valid throughout Europe.
- Guide of camping sites all over Europe, Showing services, prices, location of the establishments, ...
- Written instructions to use the items in the mobile home which were explained.
- Original of policy taken out to be read on our premises

We shall agree on the way the vehicle is to be returned and, after informing them of possible roads to their destination as requested, recommend routes, ... and wish them a pleasant journey

On return, we will take care of the transfer and remind them that, once the vehicle has been checked, we will proceed to:
. To make the refund of his deposit, if there is no damage.
. If there is damage, inform them, and to make the refund of the difference.
No refund will be made if the length of hire is shortened or for unused days. There is no refund for late pick up or early return of vehicle.

 Procedure for inspecting vehicles upon their return:

.- An initial inspection is carried out, together with the customer, in order to detect major knocks to the bodywork, in which case the compulsory accident certificate is requested.
.- It is not usually possible to carry out a thorough inspection of the vehicle upon its return (particularly damage to the exterior of the roof, interiors and scratches to the exterior), normally because of grime. For this reason, it will always be marked as “pending final inspection and cleaning”.
.- The average time needed to put the vehicles back into service is between two and four hours, therefore the final damage report may not under any circumstances be issued on the spot.

 Procedure for inspecting vehicles upon their return - COVID19 Instructions

Following the corona virus and related guidelines, the motorhome return process has changed:
In accordance with the new regulations set by the Spanish authorities and government, it is not possible to inspect the motorhome upon return to the rental station, but it must be disinfected and only after 24 hours can the inspection be performed. The customer, if necessary, take pictures of what is needed (broken things, etc.). Only then, the rental station staff will perform its inspections. After the otorhome is washed, an external inspection will be carried out. After 24 hours, the internal inspection will be carried out. In case that there anything broken or damaged, the rental station's team will take pictures and send it to the customer by e-mail with the damages and costs. The motorhome must be returned clean and tidy and without personal belongings (food, liquids, garbage, etc.).

Minimum rent

For groups A, B, G, H and P the minimum rent will be of 7 days all the year.
For the rest of the groups the minimum rent will be of 3 days in low and middle season.
For the High Season and Easter always the minimum rent will be of 7 days.

(*) We have different models of baby chairs, but in all cases Group 1 approved, for 9 kg and above in the direction of travel.


Madrid & Barcelona Monday to Friday 10:00 to 13:30 and 16:00 to 19:00 hours.
Barcelona - 10:00 to 13:00 hours, Between October to the end of March the station is closed.
Madrid - 11:30 to 13:00 hours, Between October to the end of March the station is closed.
All the year is closed the Sundays and Hollidays:
1 January, 6 January, 14 April (Madrid), 15 April, 18 April (Barcelona), 2 May (Madrid), 16 May (Madrid), 6 June (Barcelona), 24 June (Barcelona), 25 July (Madrid), 15 August, 24 September (Barcelona), 26 September (Barcelona), 12 October, 1 November, 9 November (Madrid), 6 December, 8 December, 26 December.    

Regardless of this, we understand that on occasions we must make the timetable flexible, especially if passengers have to reach a plain, train or ship. It is possible and even feasible to deliver or return on holidays.

.-Extra Charge for services out of normal time:
 Delays in deliveries and/or returns who oblied to have the branch open out the normal timetables of the different branches, include the necessary time to make the transfer services from/to airports or others…………………………………………………… 100 €
 If the excess time is more than 1,5 hours the extra charge will be…. 200 €
(This extra charges are to apply independently of the penalties wirted on the contract and hiring conditions and thery are to evit the abuse of some customers who arrive on the limit hour and them required aditional time to make their luggage or to make the transfers; in all cases the customer has one hour for delivery and return on the booking confirmation and on the hiring contracts and they know perfectly the normal timetables to operations).


The deliveries and/or returns always made on the branches because today there are special restrictions in some areas inside the cities and also on the airports.
For customers who use your own transportation there are maps on our web site and in case of idiomatic difficult is available itinerary and aproximatelly cost for taxi-drivers.
If the customers come to our branches by car they can to park it in our installations free of charge



A non-European Union driving licence will not be valid where a European Union passport is used to enter Europe, even where in possession of an international driving licence. The entry passport and the licence must bear the same nationality. The international licence is only there to compare categories and languages between countries, and must be accompanied by the original in order to be valid.

 Should the customer fail to provide the compulsory original documents at the time of handover of the vehicle to the customer, or the latter does not have in his or her possession a credit card to which to charge the deposit, Euromotorhome may refuse handover of the vehicle, which would be tantamount to a cancellation or no-show, with a penalty of 100% of the value of the hire taken out.


 The time at which the service commences will be that set out in the confirmation of reservation document.
In the event of a customer with a reservation arriving at a different time, later than that shown in the official confirmation, the previously confirmed time will be taken into account for return, and not that which would apply due to the service having started later.
A no-show by the customer at the place and time agreed for the start of the service will be deemed a unilateral annulment of the contract and reservation, by the customer, with a penalty of 100% of the value of the hire taken out, and the aforementioned no-show will empower Euromotorhome to take possession of the reserved vehicle, with the customer entitled to no compensation whatsoever.

E) TRANSFERS: (Not Valid due to COVID-19)
Where flight or other details needed for transfer on arrival are not provided, or where the wrong details are mistakenly provided, Euromotorhome is exonerated from any liability to customers and the agency, and passengers must pay costs arising as a result, or make their own arrangements to travel to the branch. Whatever the case, flight information should be notified to Euromotorhome at least 10 days prior to the start date of the services.

In the case of transfers confirmed in the reservation for airport pickup, the following rules will apply:

a) In the case of domestic flights, Euromotorhome staff will go to the arrivals gate of the relevant main concourse 30 minutes later than the scheduled time or the time at which the flight actually lands. Passengers must therefore wait in or around the aforementioned gate, if exiting before that time.
b) In the case of international flights originating in the European Economic Community, the estimated exit time is, likewise, at least 30 minutes.
c) For international flights originating outside the European Economic Community, Euromotorhome staff will proceed to the arrivals gate in the main concourse 60 minutes after the scheduled or actual landing time, and passengers must follow the same instructions as for domestic flights.
d) If, once the flight has landed, the passenger has not exited in the time specified in the aforementioned sections, Euromotorhome will wait a maximum of 45 minutes, after which the customer will be obliged to contact the Reservations Switchboard and make his or her own travel arrangements to the branch, or else pay 100 € in expenses, in addition to being liable for other costs for out-of-hours handover.
It is therefore recommended that the passengers be warned of this eventuality, in order that they immediately contact the Reservations Switchboard in case of lost luggage or other items, in order to avoid the aforementioned surcharges.


  Euromotorhome will always provide the group or vehicle officially confirmed, in cases of accident, breakdown or late-return of the assigned vehicle; Euromotorhome reserves the right to substitute the reserved vehicle and category with any other category group higher than that reserved. The aforementioned will not give rise to any entitlement to reimbursement or compensation, as an upgrade is always to a vehicle with a higher cost per day.

The prices shown include maintenance cleaning of the vehicle interior as well as that of the whole exterior; nevertheless, where the vehicle is returned with the interior soiled, Euromotorhome may charge the customer a variable amount of 125 € in this regard, dependent on its general state and the criteria of the Euromotorhome service technicians.


- One way fee of 450 € each service between Madrid and Barcelona.
- Minimum services between branches 10 days (please consult for shorter periods).


Inside Spain:

.- Minimum services payed 10 days.
.- Extra charge of 500 € each stretch
This service are always subjecto to availability and is necessary to make the consultation on the moment to make the booking or the first request of availability.
This special service is valid exclusively in programmed services accepted on the moment of the booking confirmation and there are not possible changes or modifications after the official confirmation.

Outside Spain:

 .- Are posible returns on other countries of the European Community with the minimum of 18 days service charged and paying the extra charge for the special transportation.
 This service are always subject to availability and is necessary to make the consultation on the moment to make the booking or the first request of availability.
 This special service is valid exclusively in programmed services accepted on the moment of the booking confirmation and there are not possible changes or modifications after the official confirmation.
Services who use Portugal on the trip need special information about the toll higways, please us if your destination is Portugal.

• Inside or outside Spain we have an urgent return service at a fee which could be rated as special interest and on ocassions will be subject to availability. In case of this urgent services are not possible to apply the normal conditions, in each case is necessary to calculate the extra charge if the service are running.

The motorhome must be returned clean, and with WC and all residual water containers properly emptied. Otherwise, the customer will pay the amount of up to 125€.


• No younger than 25 years old. • To have the driving license (B1) in force for at least two years.



Our insurance is "full risk in all case except for the first 700 € "
The insurance has a cover also for the people in the motorhome in case of damage.
Also we have other insurance for asistance in the road 24 hours in all Europa to assist the possible problems in the engine of our motorhomes who cover nights in hotel, repatriation, expenses for transport and so on (traditional normal servcices similar Hertz, Avis,....in all countries).


Only on request and pre-pay of 100,00 €  it is possible to purchase a basic "kit equipment" with sleeping bags and crockery devices, not towels. This price is unique pay for all services and for all people
Equipment Kit Include:
Set of dishes
Coffee cups
Coffee machine
Cutlery : Knives, Spoons, Forks
Frying pan
Skimming ladle
Can opener
Cooking pot
Sleeping bags

No sheets and towels

It is recommended to bring your own sheets, pillowcases, and other items



Rental Centers

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