Simple and easy to use, easy to drive light cab conversion.
2 big beds - for 3 people .
Based on Toyota chassis
No toilet / No shower
• Rental days are calculated per 24 hours - pick up and drop off at the same hour. Hourly rate for late check-in of vehicle - 2500 Yen
• Holiday Pick Up & Drop off: Available for a fee of 10,000 Yen for each Pick Up/Drop off
• Passenger compartment must return in clean condition, otherwise a fee of 15,000 Yen is charged
• Toilet tank must return emptied, otherwise a fee of 15,000 Yen is charged
• Motorhome must return fully fueled, otherwise a fuel cost and labour cost are charged - 5,000 Yen
• Customers who book a taxi transfer: 2 suitcases per customer Are allowed. If there is more - please inform in advance. In addition, the taxi can not take bicycle
• Rental centers in Hiratuska, Nagano and Yamanashi are closed on Mondays, Takamatsu closed on Wednesdays, Izumisano closed on Tuesdays and Kyoto on Wednesdays and Thursdays.