Motorhome for 4 people but Ideal for 2 adults and 1 child.
Shower and flush toilet, with dinette slide out.
No extra charge for additional driver
Based on Ford chassis.
Model year: 2022-2024
3 infant seats, child seats or booster seats can be fitted in this motorhome. If baby seats are attached, the dining table must be lowered and this means that there is no possibility for an adult to sit in the sitting area.
Infant seat: babies up to one year old (up to 9 kg) - rear-facing seat
Child seat: children aged 1 to 4 years (9-30 kg) - rear-facing seat for children up to 9 kg and forward-facing for children over 18 kg. Children within weight range 9 kg to 18 kg should be kept rear-facing as long as possible
Booster seat: children aged 4 to 9 years (over 18 kg). Under 18 kg - Front-facing child seat.
No car seat required for children over 145 cm